Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's been a while...

I can't believe how long it's been since I blogged...WOW!!! A lot has happened but I'll post the major stuff...

DS1 started kindergarten in August and LOVES it. He just got his first report card last week and is doing so well. He's gotten a 'green light' every day which has shocked us!

DS2 is now 18 months old...and he is MEAN! LOL!!! But he is so stinkin cute and sweet. We absolutely adore him and he is his mamma's boy.

I'm still playing with 5# that I gained over the summer. I want to lose 10# by Christmas and I was doing really well in the work out department....but then I suffered a severe sprain on 10/14 to my ankle/foot. Actually, the doctor called me back last week and left a message that he needs to talk to me about the results of my x-ray. Well, of course they called on Wednesday (my birthday) and left the message but that the doc would be out until Monday. So, now I wait until tomorrow to find out if it's really broken or if it's a torn tendon or what. I am so bummed!!! I called the office on Friday to see if the nurse would tell me what was going on but she told be that the doctor himself wanted to talk to me...that can't be good!

I had a birthday last week--the big 3-1!

DH and I had an anniversary in June--9 years!

We started Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover in May and are now credit card debt free for the first time in our marriage AND all of our vehicles are paid for (we have 3). I am not sure on the total amount of money that we have paid off but it's been AWESOME for us and our marriage. We live on a budget now (never did before) and we don't argue at all over money. WOO HOO!!!

We are debating baby #3. DH is all on board but I am not. I really like the age Zac is now and I really, really, really hate the baby stage. I hate feeling tied to the house and I did until Zac quit nursing. I loved breastfeeding him but I hated feeling like there was so much I couldn't do. I never got a moment alone...and now I do. Tonight, both boys played outside together for well over an hour...if that's what next summer is going to be like, I'm all for having some time to myself again! I know that sounds selfish but between working full time, being the primary care giver, and running the household--this girl gets worn out! I think we will wait at least another year to make any major decisions.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm going to try to get back to blogging...but I'm addicted to facebook! I'm always on there...sometimes just wanting people to post something that I can read--LOL!!! I'll try to get some pictures of the boys on here soon...they are growing like weeds and eating us out of house and home!


Colette said...

Wow you have been one busy camper! I can't believe that baby is 18 months old?? Double wow!!!

Yes, I am here just so darn busy. I worked today, took Josh to Drug court (long story..he goes twice a month and has counceling 2 times a week now...use to be 3) and then took some neighborhood kids to a football game dropped them off, came home made a healthy supper...scarfed it down and went back to see the game til 8:30. Brought the whole crew home and went to Walmart to buy some things!! Whew!! And I haven't even made my lunch yet and it's only 10:42 pm!!
Oh did I mention that I am going to prepare all the stuff to throw together a "Breakfast Casserole" in the oven in the am for BREAKFAST???? Um sounds like I am on speed huh? Nope Just CORE!! :)
I actually lost 5.2 lbs this
It's funny when I am on...I am on SOLID and when I am off I am SO BAD!! lol...
Will post soon, I promise. I have been trying some killer Core Recipes too!! yummmm..

Just haven't had time to blog about it!! But I will. Hopefully after the Biggest Loser tomorrow!!

Colette said...

CRAP! (Don't get forget shit..ALOT)
I forgot to tell you that I am so pround of you guys for getting your finance's in order and paying everything off!! Woohoo to the both of you!! It's such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment that no one can imagine until you do it! I was able to pay off my house after only 7 years and my car is paid off as well. I carry very little debt on my credit cards and plan on keeping it that way!!
Ok now I will shut up and go make my casserole for breakfast!! :-)

Colette said...

First things first...casserole was awesome. You got to try it!!

I had gotten back up to about 219 and yesterday morning I got on the scale for kicks and I was 204.8. It took me about 6 weeks to lose this much and I know it's the Core plan I am following.

Honestly, I am NOT exercising at all. I do walk like most people hear and there but I have not been to the gym in MONTHS! Which reminds me I an paying for it why am I not going? I guess the best excuse I an come up with is I am tired!

But honestly we both know I will feel better and have more energey if I start going back. I have just really been sticking to my diet. not measuring anything but no sugar, no fried foods just healthy clean foods for the most part.

I am totally addicted to sugar and have finally learned that one sugary sweet will send me in a downward spiral and I will lose control so I just avoid it all together. But I still love bread and thats a struggle. I just eat the whole grain or 100 whole wheat and avoid white flour!!

I can honestly say I think I have figured out what my body likes and dislikes!!

Sorry to hear about the leg issue. I am sure you will be back to your normal self in no time but do take care of yourself and allow it to heal properally! You don't need one more "ache" when you get my
Happy Halloween to you all!!