Friday, July 18, 2008

Look what I've been up to...

WARNING: The following picture some may find offensive..DO NOT VIEW with small children in the room! Scroll down to get to it....

I went to a birthday party last Saturday for a friend of mine who turned 40. There was a male adult "entertainer" there...if ya get my drift. ;) I'd have never seen one of these "entertainers" before so this was a first for me. I must say...What a trip! It was fun. As you can see in the picture, I was beside myself. I can't believe some people can do that!

Oh and he WAS dressed as a fireman before the "show".

I'll be back later with W/I results!

Oh and I hate how I look in this picture...I have to keep telling just had a just had a baby....


Michelle said...

Ha! I had the same exact reaction you did. Hilarious. How fun!!

Superjayman's Battle of the Bulge said...

OMG.....It was outside? What did the neighbors think---or were they invited? Freakin' hilarious!