Saturday, April 28, 2007

My baby turned 3 today!

I can’t believe he is 3. These last 3 years have been the best, most fun, and the fastest years of my life. I can’t wait to see what the future holds! He is definitely the light of my life and I love being his mom…he makes everything worth it and makes life grand.

So today we had his party. I actually did fairly well. I was so busy, I didn’t have time to eat a whole lot. I got up this morning and ran 4 miles (pats self on back!) then came back home and went non stop until about 5, when I FINALLY got to sit down. It was a great party and a great day for a great kid.

After the party, me, my mom, my grandma (mom’s mom), and my baby sister went shopping. I bought size 12 shorts. ALL of them fit. They are a little snug around the waist, but I ate more today than I normally do (at least I think I did) so by next week, they will probably fit perfectly. AND, I found this dress….oh my it is awesome. I LOVE it. I will have to look for a picture on the net and see if I can find it. It’s awesome. Anyway, I’ve lost 10# and it looks good, so another 5 and it will be perfect. I love it. I hope to wear it to my 10 year class reunion in July (I think!) and maybe out with my hubby for our anniversary. It is black and white and I am going to put red jewelry and shoes with it. The hubby says I never wear “girly” stuff like that anymore (b/c it’s not my thing) but he likes it and I think he will like this dress. I’m so excited about it!

After my cake decorating and cookie making yesterday, I realized, I never ate anything. I drank a protein shake for breakfast but never had lunch. I did dip into some cookie dough, but not nearly what I would have in the past. Then we had to take the toddler to get his hair cut and we went out for dinner…then I realized I have never eaten anything all day. So I splurged and got chicken nachos at the Mexican restaurant. (I’ve blogged enough about Mexican that you all should know we LOVE Mexican!!!) I am going to try to run at some point tomorrow, but my mom wants to go shopping (AGAIN!) tomorrow so it may have to be in the evening after she leaves. I am NOT setting an alarm tomorrow, I am tired.

One good thing…my grandma is going to stay with us this week so I am going to make it a point to run Monday and Tuesday mornings once it gets daylight b/c she’ll be here with the toddler. I definitely love running in the morning a lot better than later on in the day. Then Wednesday I have to go into work, but I will probably try to go Thursday morning and then that will be it until the half marathon on Saturday. I’m getting excited and nervous at the same time. This time next week it will all be over….

I’ve rambled enough for tonight. My baby will officially be 3 in about 15 minutes (he was born at 10:48 pm). I’m going to go watch him sleep for a little bit. Good night!

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