Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Not feeling a loss for tomorrow...

Three blogs in one day! That may be a record!!!

I'm just not feeling a loss for my WI tomorrow. If I do, I will be ecstatic, but I am just not feeling it. I WANT to see a loss, but more importantly I want this WW week to be over so I can go back to points. I haven't been perfect today, but I haven't went overboard either. I've been craving cake all day, then went to Collette's page and she had a picture of a cake on there! ARGH!!! I went and made some popcorn and still no cake. I am going to make a cake on Thursday though to take down home for the weekend. I will weight watcher it up like I did for the 4th and no one will even know. I got tons of compliments on my cake for the 4th. :)

I am hungry now, but I am not going to eat. I will finish my water--which will give me 172 ounces for the day--then go to bed. Hopefully the scale will show something for a loss tomorrow. :) I'll take any and all weight loss thoughts you can give me at this point!

Okay, I am an idiot. I tried to do some links earlier and couldn't get it to work. It wasn't bloger, it was me! I was in edit html mode, not compose. Oh well.

I'm outta here. Have a good night! I will post WI results tomorrow morning!


MMalloy said...

I WI tomorrow as well and I'm not feeling the loss. I am trying to stay really positive but my stomach is grawling and I think I might have to go to bed now before I stuff anything else in my mouth!
I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!! Whatever the scale says just remember how far you have already come and know that you are doing AWESOME!!! Check in with you tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

*sending positive vibes your wayyyy* I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

The Price's Wife said...

Hey... good luck, think positive and keep drinking your water! Even if the scale doesn't show it, you're still taking good care of your body and that is AWESOME!