Monday, July 2, 2007

Our Community is back! is back! Thanks to Collette and Google reader, I jumped right in there.

But, I really want to move back over there?? All my "buds" are here--will they move too?? I loved the support over there, but honestly?? I get more comments here. TONS more than I ever got at the community. I know that sounds lame, but it's true. I love the comments. I try to comment every time I read a blog. Does everyone else do the same thing?? I like the features of blogger/blogspot. It's easier to upload pictures and easier to make things my own. I don't like not being able to have different pages here, but most things are easier. I don't know...I'm torn. I will have to think about it for a while. I'll let you know what I decide. Lord knows I can't keep up with 2 blogs!


Courtney said...

I'm already back on over there. You are on my blogroll no matter what you decide to do! I like the community feel....hopefully more people will start posting on mine! BTW...I can't wait to hear about your weigh-in this week! You are seriously rocking Core!

Tina said...

I know what you mean. I'm a little torn too although I got waay more comments at weightwatchen then I do here. I try to comment but I don't always. I kinda suck in that area. I don't know if I'll switch back. And I agree.. TOO much with TWO blogs.

The Price's Wife said...

Hey, thanks for your encouragement... I love to read everyone's blog too and always try to comment because the comments from others really seem to help me stay motivated...

Anonymous said...

Since I just started a week before weightwatchen's site crashed, I have posted so much more here. So I am not sure what I will do. I too need to think about it for a lil bit, but will read blogs on there as well.

MtngirlinCali said...

I was going to go over there and rebuild, but the server is down right now....wondering if they just aren't ready to host our blogs yet? I'm going to keep on over here and migrate over when the time is right. It's been great meeting up with people over here. Since I installed the widget, it's been easy to keep up with all my favorites! (Except I have no idea how to update it at all, since I stole it!) Anyway, will keep reading you here....

WeightBGone said...

I hear ya about liking it here. I am torn on what to do also. I will try and keep up on both sites because Roni has worked so hard getting it back up. Lets all keep in touch no matter what because the support is so important.

Anonymous said...

argh I'm torn too...other than not having pages, I love blogger and aside from all that...I just dont wanna move again!! i had a blogger account that i moved to weightwatchen when that started and then I moved back and..and...i wanna stay...but I'm a sucker for getting involved! eager to see what you decide!

Candace MacPherson said...

Since I never did get signed up over there, and am just learning blogspot, I think I'll stick it out here. Glad Roni's site is up again, though.

Jynell said...

I'm torn too- still not 100% sure, but I think I'm going to stay on my own. I like the extra options that I get as my own admin & it doesn't mean that I can't get involved on the boards and all at Roni's. Just don't go anywhere w/o letting us know where you land- don't want to miss you!! :oD